How Does It Work?
The original Qu-Chi Hayfever Band® operates by stimulating an acupressure point in the arm to help free energy pathways from the face, head, nose & throat. The Qu-Chi (pronounced Q-chee) hayfever band has been developed to apply pressure to The LI-11 point on the arm, known in Chinese as the Quchi point.
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in that it's based on the concept of life energy, or 'chi', which flows through paths, or 'meridians', in the body. Physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians, thereby relieving symptoms related to the nose and throat. Pressure may be applied by hand, by elbow, or with various devices, such as the Qu-Chi Acupressure Band.

Qu-Chi (Q-chee) is the Chinese name for an acupuncture point (literal translation 'crooked pond'). The point lies on the large intestine meridian. As we mentioned, meridians are pathways around the body, through which vital energy (known as 'chi') flows to maintain healthy body function. The large intestine meridian starts at the forefinger (LI 1) and travels through the throat to the nose (at LI 20). The Qu-Chi point is point number 11 on the line and is thought to pull excess energy from the face and nose.